Frequently Asked Questions
At what age can a child begin at DKK?
Children can attend Die Kleine Kinderschule (DKK) starting in September if they are 3 years old on the first day of school. Children may also begin in any month as soon as they turn 3, however this will only be permitted if there is space in the class. You may also choose to reserve a spot for your child until they turn 3; in this case you will be required to pay tuition starting in September until they can attend. Please refer to the online registration page or contact your Registrar for information on available space in each class.
Does my child have to speak German to attend?
No. DKK prides itself on the fun basics of German language learning. We start with numbers and colors and gradually expand the German vocabulary. More than half of the children do not speak German, or come from a home where German is not spoken.
Does my child have to be toilet trained to attend DKK?
Yes. Children must be daytime toilet trained and able to manage themselves independently in the bathroom. We are NOT licensed to change children, so if your child has an accident at school, the parent/caregiver will be called and expected to come and change your child immediately.
Do I need to volunteer or take an active part in the classroom?
No. Parents do not have to fulfill volunteer duty days. However, even though volunteering is not mandatory, DKK requires volunteers for various tasks. These include being part of the executive board, helping during field trips to assure an adult to child ratio of 1:3, and working shifts at our bi-annual casino-fundraiser. DKK may also need additional volunteers to assist our teachers and board members.
How do I pay tuition fees?
Fees are paid monthly by Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement. The PAD Agreement form with banking information is required to be filled out as part of the registration process.
Do I need to provide a snack and what should I send?
Snack time is an important time to socialize and practice table manners. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing a simple, healthy snack and drink each school day. Snacks must be kept in a small snack bag or container with your child’s name labeled on the inside. This is placed in your child’s cubby during drop-off, and is not refrigerated. If sending grapes, they must all be sliced in half. Unsliced grapes will be returned home. Please do not send candy or pop as these may cause jealousy and result in problems.
What is the policy for nuts?
DKK is a NUT-FREE preschool. There are a few students who have severe nut allergies. It is crucial that we keep nuts of all kinds out of the classroom. Please read the labels of all food that you send with your child for a snack. Look for items that are clearly labelled Nut-Free, and/or made in a Nut-Free establishment. If it doesn’t mention anything about being nut free, play it safe and look for something else. If your child is like the many who love peanut butter…please feel free to try the nut free butters such as WOW Butter.
What clothing/shoes are recommended for the program?
Children should be dressed for the weather. We try to go outside as much as possible, even in the winter months (as long as it’s not too cold), so please make sure your child has appropriate warm clothing (hat, gloves, coat). Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothing and indoor shoes to leave in their cubby. Clean, non-marking indoor shoes are also required. When selecting indoor shoes for your child, choosing a pair that is easy to put on and take off (and that your child can try and do themselves) is a great choice! Not only does it build confidence, it saves time for parents and staff too. Please label all clothing items.
Which field trips does DKK include in its curriculum?
We are very happy to being able to offer various field trips and extra in-house programs during the school year. The type and frequency of field trips depends on the teacher’s curriculum, program availability and budget.
Are there additional charges for field trips?
No. Your monthly tuition includes all admission fees and in-class program costs.
Do you offer transportation to field trip destinations?
No. Families have to drop off and pick up their children at the field trip destination.
What are the closest German-bilingual elementary schools to attend after DKK?
After graduating DKK German Club, you can register at Rideau Park Elementary, 10605-42 Avenue, which has the regular English and the German-bilingual program.
After graduating DKK Forest Heights, you can register to continue at the same school, Forest Heights Elementary, with the German-bilingual program or the school offers the regular English programming with the option of French as a Second Language starting in grade 4.
After graduating DKK Rio Terrace, you can register to continue at the same school, Rio Terrace Elementary, with the German-bilingual program or French Immersion.