Program Philosophy
The objective of Die Kleine Kinderschule (DKK) is to provide a preschool setting where 3-5 year old children are encouraged to learn German in a warm and stimulating play environment that fosters independence and encourages activities that lead to a sense of accomplishment. Learning is fun in preschool and through child’s play we hope to provide a satisfying and stimulating experience for each child.
It is our philosophy that a child learns a language by exposure to it. While not all of the children hear or speak German at home, our school provides a German-language setting for children at all levels of linguistic proficiency. NO knowledge of German is required, nor are the parents expected to know German. In the classroom, our teachers speak German supplemented with actions, pictures, and other educational aids, and the children learn to use the language not through formal instruction but through the medium of play. You will be surprised how quickly your child will start to understand and use simple words and expressions!
The program will be varied: large and small muscle activities, indoor and outdoor play, use of imaginative materials or creative media, or real life equipment. There will be quiet times (listening to music, singing, reading of books, puzzles, toys) and active periods (crafts, painting, block building, housekeeping play, and gym periods).
Children can attend DKK starting in September if they are 3 years old on the first day of school. Children may also begin in any month as soon as they turn 3, however this will only be permitted if there is space in the class. You may also choose to reserve a spot for your child until they turn 3; in this case you will be required to pay tuition starting in September until they can attend. Please check the online registration page or contact your Registrar for information on available space in each class.
Class options are: Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. It is permissible to enroll in both classes. We also offer a Friday pre-kindergarten class for children who will be 4 years old by December 31, 2023. Children must be registered in our regular 2 or 4-day program to attend the Friday class.
Find out why the Friday Class is so important.
Classes run 2.5 hours up to 5 hours /day, minimum 2 days per week. Depending on location and the class options chosen, it is possible to attend 2, 3, 4 or 5 days per week.
We operate out of three locations: Forest Heights Elementary School, Rio Terrace Elementary School and the German-Canadian Cultural Association (German-Club). Please see location addresses, days and times of classes in the Locations tab.
Class size is limited to 16 children and every class has 1 teacher and 1 aid.
Toilet Training
Children attending the DKK preschool are required to be fully daytime toilet trained; being able to both communicate the need for, and independently use the toilet. Teachers/aides will provide minimal assistance related to hygiene (cleaning) if required.
DKK teachers/aides are NOT legally licensed to change children as a result of bathroom accidents. As such, in the event of bathroom accidents, parents/caregivers will be called and expected to come and change their child immediately.